Jagged Mountain Sunset

Creative visualization is the use of the power of imagination to create mental imagery and affirmations in order to program your subconscious mind for healing, success and well-being.

Here are some essential keys to make creative visualization work for you:

  1. Make a regular time to do it each day and stick to a routine.
  2. Get into a calm, meditative state first – just after waking up in the morning is a good time.
  3. Choose one specific area to focus on during your visualization. e.g. Healing of the body or an emotional trauma, success in business, a happy relationship  or prosperity.
  4. Bring all of your senses into your visualisation – sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch – but you can focus on whatever sense is dominant or comes easiest for your imagination. For many people the sense of sight is the dominant one and easiest to visualise in, but adding other senses enhances the effects.
  5. Use as much emotion as you can – really imagine what it would feel like when you achieve the desired result. Emotion is the language that the subconscious listens to. If you really want to program yourself to achieve you dreams then you have to reprogram the subconscious mind.
  6. Make the visualisation as if it is happening right now in the present moment, not at some future time. Then it will more real and much more powerful.
  7. Use repetition of positive affirmations, in the present tense. Some examples from Louise Hay are: “I am grateful for my healthy body.”, “I deserve the best and I accept it now. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask.”, “Nourishing myself is a joyful experience and I am worth the time spent on my healing.”, “I love every cell of my body.”
  8. Be grateful for your healing or success as if it has already come about.

Later I will talk about some excellent guided visualization programs. When combined with brainwave entrainment, which some programs do, creative visualization is taken to a whole new level.

2 Responses

  1. Myuuki

    Hello Tim,

    I do meditations and yogas daily and it’s great to see others who are so passionate about it.

    Some of these recommendations are great and I will be using them in my future meditations. Although in regards to the morning meditation (I do them when I have time), I often find myself back to sleep. Any good ideas on that?


    • Tim

      I always love to hear from people who do daily yoga and meditation. It’s inspiring and encouraging and it is awesome to connect with like-minded people. I’m glad that you will be trying out some of the recommendations that I posted.

      I used to often have trouble staying awake or alert while meditating. In fact, for some meditations I would be sleepy and for others my mind would just be racing all over the place. I can’t remember when exactly the shift happened, but I think one of the biggest things that helped was practising pranayama. I now do specific pranayamas as part of kriya yoga, but ones that I would recommend to wake you up and vitalize you are Bhastrika and Kapalbhati. Then you should do alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) for a few minutes to keep the mind calm, happy and peaceful. It also helps release tension and fatigue and clear out blocked energy channels in the body, which in turn calms the mind. I nearly always start my meditation with Nadi Shodana. I will be explaining these later, but you can easily find lots of info about them on the web. The other thing I do before my morning meditation is jump on my rebounder for a while to pump my lymph system, wake me up and refresh me.

      I hope these suggestions help.

      Best regards and happy meditating!

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