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Welcome to Self-Healing and Well-Being!

Self-Healing and Well-Being covers the essentials needed to unlock your miraculous in-built self-healing potential. Some of the most important and often overlooked elements of healing are the power of meditation, visualization and emotional healing.

Fortunately, more and more people, including some medical professionals, are beginning to realise the power of the mind, emotions, meditation and visualization in the healing process. In fact, medical drug trials must always control for the placebo effect, which is often as effective as or better than the drug itself, yet the placebo effect is rarely harnessed by doctors.

However, many people still turn to medication, supplements or diets alone for healing. While some of these things can help (though most pharmaceutical drugs just relieve symptoms rather than healing any chronic condition), if the subconscious mind is not on-board with the healing, it can be very difficult if not impossible to heal.

So the mind-body connection is the essential secret ingredient of true healing, but the physical aspects and lifestyle changes that facilitate healing are also an important component.

First, I recommend that you read my guide Twenty Steps to Healing and Well-Being, which summarises everything that you should consider for an integrated, balanced approach to healing from a chronic illness like cancer and indeed for maintaining good health and preventing disease. Don’t feel that you have to take on every suggestion at once or let that cause more stress, but gently introduce the changes according to your capacity and in an order that feels right to you.

You can read my core article that summarizes all the steps needed for a complete holistic self-healing lifestyle program here:

Sunflower Field under the Summer Sun

Twenty Steps to Healing and Well-Being

To make it easier for you to negotiate the confusing and often conflicting information out there, I have put together a summary of what to do if you have cancer or some other chronic illness. Most of this also applies if you want to prevent cancer or you just want to have optimal health.

I understand how confusing and time-consuming it is to find the best information we need for healing so my goal is to make that process simpler for you. I have been through the cancer journey myself and although I thought I was pretty healthy before, I actually needed to make a lot of changes to give myself the best chance of long-term survival.

As many people say, cancer is a great teacher and I have certainly learned and discovered so much about myself and the world through it. We should treat the cancer as a guru and find out what it has to teach, rather than treating it as a mortal enemy to attack with fear.

Here is a little bit about my background

Tim and Ayla the Border Collie

I had been living a relatively healthy lifestyle, but I was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2013, so I immediately began to search for ways to help my body heal. I began with a focus on physical aspects, which then progressed into emotional and spiritual healing and well-being. Now I see cancer not so much as an enemy to go to war against, but as a teacher to wake me up and show me a better way to live, more in alignment with my true values. Or more bluntly, you could call it a divine kick in the butt! If we are able to learn the lesson and change our consciousness, then healing can happen at the deepest of levels.

The way I see it, we are not simply a mechanical body like a car that can be fixed on the physical level alone. It’s not just about the right food or supplements or a magic bullet to cure cancer or any other chronic illness. Our whole attitude to health needs to change so that health is not just the absence of disease, but a passion for life, living each moment as healthily and happily as we can.

We tend to put off our happiness and well-being as we are so busy trying to make a living and to do what is expected of us that we forget the whole reason for all of that is simply to be happy and fulfilled. In short, we are conditioned by society, our upbringing and so many wrong beliefs that keep us from living the life we truly desire. So, I want to help show you how to unblock the amazing healing potential that you have within and discover renewed well-being in your life.

The primary objective of this website

What I found in my search for answers was that there is so much, often conflicting or incorrect, information out there on the internet that it is overwhelming and one doesn’t know where to start. There are so many aspects to a healthy lifestyle, including diet and supplementation, exercise, detoxification, getting rid of parasites, minimising exposure to toxins and EMFs, emotional healing techniques, meditation and much more. That can be overwhelming to read and learn let alone adopt into your lifestyle.

I consider that the most powerful healing practices are harnessing the power of the mind, meditation and creative visualisation for self-healing and well-being.

My aim is to provide you with an easy-to-follow overview of healthy living, with a primary focus on the amazing innate, natural power of our consciousness for healing and well-being.

Thank you for reading this far! I wish you a wonderful journey to greater health and well-being and I hope I to inspire you on the way.


2 Responses

  1. hillary

    What an inspiring story, Tim. I am a huge believer in the power of the mind in healing–i actually think it’s the source of most of our healing (and much of our disease). Congratulations on learning how to heal yourself.

    • Tim

      Hi Hillary,

      Thanks for reading my story. 🙂 I totally agree that the mind/emotions is the source of most of our healing and indeed the root cause of most chronic illness in the first place! The more people can spread the word on ways to heal, the more people can heal and avoid needless suffering.

      Warm regards,

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